As many of you may not know, I'm completely obsessed with DIY. If I had access to the right materials (or rather, access to the funds to purchase said materials) along with the time to devote to making things, my world would look very different.
Take, for example, my house! It's totally cute as it is, but there are a million things I want to do to it! After stalking many a DIY blog and daydreaming about how freaking SWEET my house will look once I've actually checked off a few things on my lengthy "DIY To Do List" I decided I might as well start my own little Project Blog. Not so much for the benefit of others (although there is indeed much that can be learned from me (hehe), 'how to refinish kitchen cabinets' doesn't yet fit into those parameters), but as a way of holding myself accountable for my lofty plans. I hope that I'll be spurred on to action knowing that other people might be expecting me to make some sort of progress.
Does that make sense?
So, without further ado, I present to DIY To Do list!
First up: the kitchen.
I'll get some Zinsser BIN shellac primer/sealer, subway tiles, sheets of glass, and use the leftover white paint that our previous owners left in the garage to turn this:

into this:

After the kitchen is finished, I want to upholster my IKEA bed frame. A few yards of upholstery fabric and batting, a staple gun and some decorative upholstery nails and this:

will become this!

I haven't decided yet, but either our guestroom:

or the boys' room:

will be painted to look like this!

I'm really really looking forward to this one. I want to get rid of this corner T.V. stand so that we can have more freedome to choose where to put our T.V. So instead of this:

I'm going to build one of these!

I don't know if Buck will let me do this next one because like nobody does this. But I like the idea and I think it's really cool. This is our pantry:

I want to get some cute wallpaper and make it look a little something like this:

(...except instead of clothes and shoes, it'll be filled with food in cute glass containers.)
Then I'll use the same stuff from the kitchen remodel to refinish the vanities in our master bathroom and our guest bathroom so they'll look less like this:
and more like this! (BWT- don't even get me started on all the floors in our house. More to come on that later!)
And finally, I want to get rid of this rug:

and get a latch hook kit to make one of these!

Bahaha, just kidding. I want one that looks like this:

That's the short list. Donations are welcome in the form of money or supplies! I hope to start one of these projects soon, so I'll keep you posted. Anyone in the area is more than welcome to come and help! I'm pretty sure I'll be a lot more likely to finish a project if I have company to keep me from getting bored and putting it off, haha.
Until next time!