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Crotchety Crocheting

For some reason, I've been in kind of a funk for the past few weeks.  Don't know what it is!  At first, I was convinced I was pregnant, but two boxes of HPTs tell me otherwise.  (Let's be honest, it'll take more than that to change my mind!)  Anywho, I decided to start crocheting again as it's one of the things that helps me release tension and stress.  I'm so glad I did because I've been able to complete a few projects and being able to admire my work always makes me feel better.

What was my favorite project, you ask?  Well, the adorable winter hat I made for the Bot!

It was so easy and I got to learn two new stitches!!  I got the pattern off of Ravelry (my new favorite internet pattern source).  And just tweaked it a bit to suit my tastes.  It's a Japanese pattern so I had to find this other awesome website after I realized that Japanese peeps use diagrams for their patterns instead of writing it out.

I've been toying around with the idea of opening an Etsy shop for quite some time now, but I don't want to have to pay to list things that might not get sold, haha.  Instead, I've decided to sell my wares over at The Bean & The Bot (named after my boys-my muses!).  It's still in it's very beginning stages, but if you want a piece of this, you can certainly find out how to get some there!


  1. Adorable hat! Don't tell the pattern though, you want people to buy them from you not make their own!

  2. Haha, good point. What kind of entrepreneur am I?!


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